08 December 2005

oh lover. i do believe that sitting in this overtly cold atmosphere has done nothing to relinquish your grasp on my icy heart. is this a surprise? i suppose not.

what it has done, however, is stimulate my folicles and push me into a post- finals depression. no longer is my dream of 14 days of non-soberness a priority, although i have managed to fall one day short of the goal due to my fatal illness of ill gotten planning techniques and whatnot. who would have thought that finals could detour me not? oh, i would have.

and in recent news, it doesn't matter that you are still squeezing my heart because i do, infact, recognize that i have betrayed yours. what to think when that "other person" actaully tells you that you no longer possess control over your actions due to your addictive nature?

well, don't think, i guess. yes, that is the answer: don't think. let somebody else tell me that i might have a substance abuse problem; telling myself this might break me.


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