28 June 2005

for not having hte internet, i find myself faced with a computer and an empty head more often than i would have originally thought. i happen to be at work these days, the boss having convinced me to come in before the seagulls have shown their dirty, trash invading beaks around almost any of isla vista. i don't even think my recycling had been invaded by the subculture of mexican mothers and grandfathers, looking to hord even more of my kinda-worth-money cans in their tricycles when i left on my substantial trek to campus this morning.

and now i am stuck here in this dreary place, within the gasp of some national christain organization that is holding camp ( i think) here for the next five days. every time a dirty word comes out of my mouth, i am bombarding with a series of "you're going to hell" looks. it's quite lovely.

at least they're kinda nice.

at least i'm left with the project of trying to figure out how to get my usual formatting without any of the amenities of a pc. fucking apples. always trying to make my life just so much harder.

being in the booth usually makes me a little hostile, but today it affords me a view of so many of my coworkers trying to hang a 20 foot banner of a crucified jesus.

yeah i'll sit up here and do your bitch work. sure i'll program a few lights for you. as long as i don't have to put my paws on that shitty piece of crap, i'm doin juuuuuust fine.

i love that my boss refers to it as a rag.

i can't believe i was so steadfastly devoted to something as a child that i despise so much as a young adult.


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